BlueBin Case Studies
Aurora CO
UCHealth began a Kanban journey in 2016. This turned into a long-term relationship with BlueBin to optimize their hospitals’ supply chain and saving money and reducing waste.
OSU-WMC (The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center)
Columbus OH
The Center is already seeing significant savings in terms of costs, space utilization, and clinical workflow optimization process improvements.
Seattle Children’s Hospital, Research, Foundation
Seattle WA
Following the rollout of the BlueBin solution in 2009, Seattle Children’s Hospital saved $2.5 million in inventory reduction.
Cleveland Clinic Martin Health
Stuart FL
Martin Medical Center reduced interruptions in the ICUs and perioperative departments, giving time for clinical work back to the various caregivers and technicians.

Mercy Hospital & Medical Center
Chicago IL
In 2011, Mercy implemented BlueBin’s solution to help save time and money, develop a unified, data-driven supply chain operation, and lean processes that drive continuous improvement.
Ready To Get Started?
Contact us today to discuss your our Kanban, BlueQ supply chain analytics, & inventory intelligence solutions!